Why Should You Use A Solicitor
You Have The Right To A Solicitor
You have the right to legal advice if you are being interviewed by the police. Make sure you exercise that right.
We Are Entirely Independent Of The Police.
Our only role at the police station is to help you. We are a firm that specialises in defending people. Unlike many other firms we never prosecute. Although we have a legal aid contract with the government, we are entirely independent of the police and the courts. We are entirely focused on getting the best result possible for our clients. They are our only concern.
We Will Advise You What To Do
At the police station we will obtain details about why our client has been arrested and what the evidence is against them. We will then advise you about whether the best thing to do is to answer questions, exercise your right to silence or submit a written statement. All three courses have advantages and disadvantages, and so we will always consider what is best for the client in their individual situation. We don’t just give the same advice to everyone, we think about what is best in every case.
See here for information about exercising your right to silence.
See here for information about written statements.
What Happens At The Police Station Is Really Important
If you have to appear at court then what is said at the police station becomes a really important part of the evidence. You want to make sure that you have expert advice about anything that the police might use against you
A Solicitor Is An Expert
As specialist criminal defence solicitors, we have an unrivalled knowledge of police station procedures and rules. If you are at the police station to be interviewed then you need the expert advice that we can provide. Remember, it’s never “just a quick chat,” no matter what the police may tell you. If they suspect that you have committed a criminal offence then there are very real and very serious consequences that can flow from this. Make sure that you have an expert by your side.
We Are Free.
Legal advice at the police station is completely free, whatever time of the day or night. It doesn’t matter how long we have to spend with a client, we don’t charge them for our time. Our fees are paid entirely by the government through a legal aid contract.
We Are Available 24 Hours A Day
People don’t necessarily only need advice at the police station between 9 and 5 Monday to Friday. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. As one of the largest criminal defence practices in the country we always have people available.
I Haven’t Done Anything Wrong
That is one of the strongest reasons for having a solicitor. If you are wrongly suspected of committing an offence then it makes absolute common sense to have an expert with you to guide you through the maze of rules and procedures.
Do I Have To Give The Police My PIN?
Domestic Violence Protection Notices (DVPO's)